Parking lot on street Hlavní in the area of the former bus station.
rate for 30 minutes of parking - 0 CZK
hourly parking rate (for the first hour of parking) - 10 CZK
hourly rate for the second and subsequent hour of parking - 10 CZK
rate for all-day parking - 50 CZK
Lokalita B
Definition of locations
Parking lot on Na Blatnici Street, Ostravská Street from ul. Československé armády to ul. J. V. Sládka, Radniční Street, Těšínská Street next to the Municipality building, Jiráskova Street in the section from tr. T. G. Masaryka to ul. J. Švermy, parking lot on Frýdlantská street near the "Ještěr" department store, Sadová street along the building of the Czech Post Office, Nádražní street along the park near Komerční banka, parking lot on Palackého street including a part of the dead end in front of the National House, parking lot on Pivovarská street in the area of the former marketplace, ul. Main Street near the market, part of the parking lot on 8. pěšího pluku Street in the section from Main Street to Malý Koloredov Street in front of the kindergarten, part of the parking lot on 8. pěšího pluku Street in the section from ul. U Staré pošty to Ostravská Street.
rate for 30 minutes of parking - 0 CZK
hourly parking rate (for the first hour of parking) - 20 CZK
hourly rate for the second and subsequent hour of parking - 20 CZK
rate for all-day parking - 100 CZK
Lokalita C
Definition of locations
Parking lot on the 8th Infantry Regiment Street in the section from Malý Koloredov Street to U Street
Old Post Office, part of the parking lot on 8th Infantry Regiment Street in the section from Main Street to Malý Koloredov Street closer to the market, on U Stara pošty Street and on Castle Square.
rate for 30 minutes of parking - 0 CZK
hourly parking rate (for the first hour of parking) - 30 CZK
hourly rate for the second and subsequent hour of parking - 30 CZK